Chevrolet Bolt Concept Chevy’s team did an impressive job keeping the Bolt secret until the day before the show, giving the diminutive show car outsize impact...
10. ETHIOPIA Ethiopia is assessed to have one of the maximum rates of violence alongside women in the world. A shot by the UN found that...
Animals come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some are beautiful, majestic and endearing. Others are downright nasty and repugnant. Wouldn’t it be fun to try...
10. Hobo Spider Hobo spider is a brown colored spider with hairy legs. The bite of this spider can kill the tissues around it and takes...
Green-throated mango hummingbird This species loves mangrove and swamp forests, and can be found along a narrow strip of the Atlantic Coast along the north and...
10. World’s Largest Carrot (18.9 Lbs or 8.5 Kg) Presented by John Evans in 1998, this 18.985 pound (8.61 kg) carrot is the heaviest ever....
10. Emerald Tree Boa Most species of boas are colorful like the Corallus caninus, a non-venomous snake found in the rainforests of South America. Adults grow...
We have known civilization since ages for their finest creations, literary works, rich culture and sky scrapping edifices which can be termed as the virtuous contribution...
10. Persistent music late at night One of the most widespread complaints received by the Noise Abatement Society concerns loud music being played by neighbours at night....
1. Teflon In 1938, a young American scientist called Roy J Plunkett was researching new refrigerants for the DuPont Company and was storing tetrafluoroethylene gas in...
10. Mississippi River (U.S.A) The term Mississippi refers to “big river” or “great river”. It is the main river of the largest drainage system in the...
1. Somalia Corruption score: 8 According to Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index, Somalia is the world’s most corrupt country, highlighting the convergence of conflict and...